sábado, 5 de mayo de 2018

Último día

Esta semana ha sido muy corta, pero a la vez muy intensa. 
Hemos compartido aficiones, experiencias, pensamientos y, como  no, unos cuantos abrazos. Hemos trabajado muy duro, pero también le hemos puesto muchas emociones en cada cosa que hicimos. Aprendimos mucho unos de otros, llegando a sentirnos en casa, a pesar de estar muy lejos de ella, como si nos conociéramos desde hace mucho tiempo. Ha sido difícil, pero lo hemos conseguido, hemos conseguido llegar a nuestra meta, convivir todos juntos sobrepasando las barreras ya impuestas por nosotros o por los demás durante los años.
Yraya Galván

Último día.

Esta ha sido sin duda una semana inolvidable, una experiencia insuperable y, sobre todo algo que nunca olvidaré. El día 29 de abril comenzó todo; un grupo de Los Realejos y otro de Nájera llegaron a un pueblo perdido del Pirineo Aragonés. Todos teniamos la misma idea y los mismos objetivos: conocer gente nueva, pasarlo genial, aprender y, sobre todo poner nuestro granito de arena en este lugar.
Al llegar aquí aluciné, literalmente, y no solo por el extraordinario paisaje, sino también por pensar en lo que podemos hacer entre todos si trabajamos en equipo y con ilusión.
Siempre había pensado que las personas somos un virus para este planeta, pero en este tiempo he entendido que tambien habémos personas conscientes de los problemas y, que luchamos por cambiar el Mundo y hacerlo un poquito mejor. En Búbal todo lo que hicimos estaba directa o indirectamente relacionado con la contaminación, el calentamiento global, el derroche de agua (sobre todo), el reciclaje, etc. Por lo que creo que este ha sido un buen ejercicio para concienciar a unos pocos que juntos harán mucho. Lo que comenzó en Búbal no se quedará ahí, proximo objetivo: el Mundo.

Carlos Yanes

miércoles, 2 de mayo de 2018

Tajos (02/05/18)

Our today's chores consisted on feeding pigs and repairing a fence.
In our opinion the pigs were really cute, funny and adorable, although a bit nasty too. We learnt lot of things about pigs, for example, they are always lying on mud because they don't sweat. We fed them with the left-overs from our meals. 
Later, we went to repair a fence since some wild pigs are able to get into the field, in which sheep graze. We had to fix one part of the fence and build another one. 
We reckon that the activity was nice, in fact, it was the best chore we have done so far :)

           Casa Agut

Bird Watching (02/05/2018)

Our favourite activity today was bird watching. We went to the forest and we were in a lookout to see some birds, we saw different ones, like a kind of eagle and a vulture. The intructure explained us some information about plants, trees and flowers too.

Casa Tiburcio. 

Nest workshop (02/05/2018)

Today we did workshops, there were about 6 different ones Yraya, Erick, Estefanía, Diego and Claudia did a workshop about bird nests; we created nest boxes for different species such as Herrerillo and Carbonero.
Firstly we repaired some boxes and made some holes in then in so that the water doesn´t flood. Then we put the boxes in the branches of the trees. One of them felt and broke in two.
We finally put one of them in a branch in "Mantillo", we wroted about it and went back.
All of us.

How confident are we? (02/05/2018)

Our favourite activity of today is "How confident are we?", because it was very interesting and funny. In this activity we learned many ways to capture sensacion from the nature.
In addition we walked with blind fold on our eyes. Also we ate different types of food and we smelled a lot of types of plants 
In general we think that this activity was really fantastic because we love it.
All of us

Natural remedies and herbs(02/05/2018)

Today we did a workshop with Carmen. In Mateo´s house we made nutritive creams, face-masks and lipbalm(vanilla and lemon) and then we put on the teacher´s faces, they thought that their faces were smoothier. At the end of the workshop we all got some samples as a souvenir.
                      Casa Mateo

martes, 1 de mayo de 2018

Tajos (01/05/2018)

Today we cut down the trees behind "Casa Fanlo" and cleaned up the dead plants. Then we made a human chain to move the woods to a safer place.
Before that we went to the town´s sewage treatment plant, we cleaned some dirty tissues, and learned how does it work. After the second breakfast we did a game about Búbal anthrophology. We learned about the traditions, farming, catle farming and the witches. Something that called our atencion was the black mass,, where the witches made deals with the Devil.  
Casa Royo.

Chores (01/05/2018)

After doing a couple activities for getting to know Bubal we did three different type of chores: 
- Helping to clean up the animals. 
- Helping to clean up the surroundings of the town. 
- Repairing a path.   
Our group helped to clean up the surroundings. We set up a human chain, this way we were able to pass the wood from one place to another one. The wood was in different locations, for example, near the sports court, near the stream... And in the end it had to be in a place called "El Mantillo".  
We found taking the logs near the stream really exciting since we had to pass them over the bridge. 
We did it with some partners of other groups, because of this, the activity was funnier and we enjoyed a lot!! :)
When everything was done, we congratulated all people as a hard work was done.
By: Casa Agut.