lunes, 30 de abril de 2018

El Mentidero - The gossiping place!(30/04/20018)

Today we got to know Bubal. We did a couple activities about the places in our town, and now we are going to talk about one of these places. The gossiping place was a point in town used for gossiping. It is an uncovered bench, located opposite the mountains and the reservoir. 
It was a really important place used for exchanging information about all inhabitants of the neighbourhood. Moreover, they could also gossip about people that lived in other towns and passers-by. 
Currently, we do not have such a place, but we still gossip everywhere, especially on television and social media. 
In conclusion, we believe that gossiping has developed thanks to technology. As we all know, gossiping has always been very important in our lives! :) 
*** Do you know why it is called "El Mentidero"? It  has this name due to some lies that have been told there. We all know that not all gossips are true! 
By: Casa Agut.

Tajo de construcción (30/04/2018)

El día de hoy nos tocó el tajo de construcción con el monitor Antonio. Primero recogimos las carretillas y herramientas y acto seguido tomamos rumbo a la entrada. Una vez allí nos dividimos en cuadrillas. Un grupo se encargó de limpiar la entrada, y el otro de despejar el patio de una casa.
El primer grupo limpió la entrada de la casa, que estaba llena de tierra, usando las escobas. El segundo grupo cargó piedras en las carretillas y los llevaron a un lado de las viviendas.
Casa Fanlo


Visit to the cementry. One of the first questions that the teacher asked us was: Why was the cementry buildt?
There were two reasons why the cementry was buildt:
  • The first one was that there wasn´t more space in the church and around it to bury the people.
  • The second one was that bury the people in the church or around it wasn´t hygemic, for the reason they buildt the cementry far from the town.
The oldest tomb is from 1887. The person that was bury in there was Don José Fanlo y Olivan. Besides, the most recent tomb is from 1968. The person that was bury was Don Julio Val Aznar.
There weren´t more tombs before 1887 because in the previous years the people was buried in the church. And there aren´t tombs after 1968 because the people left Búbal.
Casa Tiburcio